Identity verification changes for driver’s licence

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Identity verification changes for driver’s licence

Changes to online ID verification for driver’s licence

If you are new to MyState Bank, we need to verify your ID to setup your online account. From 1 September 2022, the driver licence card number was a required verification field for licences issues in NSW, ACT, SA, Tas, NT, QLD and WA. On 19 December 2022 this was also made mandatory in Victoria.

This change helps mitigate the risk of identity theft from using a lost or stolen card by ensuring the card ID checked is the most recently issued document.

Required card details:
• Your driver’s licence number
• The state the card has been issued in
• Card Number

Where can I find my driver’s licence number and my card number?









What happens if I am having trouble verifying my identity?
If you are unable to complete your online identity check, your account will need to be sent for manual verification.