2023 MyState Foundation Grants Open

Applications for the 2023 MyState Foundation Grants are now open to Tasmanian charitable organisations to help to build a brighter future for young Tasmanians.
The MyState Foundation has helped thousands of young Tasmanians since 2001, with the simple mission: To provide young Tasmanians with greater opportunities.
Over the past 22 years, the Foundation has awarded more than $2.51 million in grants to 140 Tasmanian not-for-profit organisations, supporting over 350 initiatives and more than 116,000 individuals across the state.
MyState Managing Director and CEO Brett Morgan said grants between $1,000 and $10,000 are now available.
“As a proud Tasmanian based bank, we have a firm commitment to giving back to the community,” Mr Morgan said.
“Through the Foundation, we have provided millions of dollars in grants to organisations that are making a genuine difference to young Tasmanians and helping them to reach their full potential.
“We’ve seen exceptional outcomes from our grants, from helping thousands of youths through the Bridgewater PCYC, to boosting early intervention for children with hearing loss through the Shepherd Centre, and giving a helping hand to young women chasing their employment dreams by supporting Dress for Success.
“I firmly believe that an investment in young Tasmanians today, is an investment that will keep on giving for generations to come.”
Reclink Senior Sports Coordinator Brett Geeves said that receiving $10,000 from the MyState Foundation in 2022 for the Reclink Community Bike Program delivered immeasurable physical and social benefits to participants.
“Thanks to a grant from the MyState Foundation, Reclink was able to purchase three Gomier tricycles, and in partnership with the Bicycle Network, delivered a six-session learn-to-ride program for students of the Southern Support School,” Mr Geeves said.
“The positive impact of the program was visible through the smiles on the faces of learners experiencing the exhilaration of self-created forward momentum. Most notable was the progressive confidence levels of learners from week to week. Reclink and the Bicycle Network have also engaged adult members of the community in learn-to-ride sessions on the Gomier tricycles. The generosity from the MyState Foundation to fund the Reclink Community Bike Program will have long-lasting physical and mental health benefits for community members of all ages and abilities.”
MyState Foundation chair Bob Gordon said grant applications opened today, March 6, and would close on May 12.
“The beauty of the Foundation grants is that they can be used for a wide range of projects or investments, and that just amplifies the game-changing impact that we can have.
“I encourage all eligible Tasmanian organisations to apply and take this opportunity to change the lives of even more young Tasmanians for the better.”
To apply, you must be an incorporated Tasmanian not-for-profit with Deductible Gift Recipient status. Successful applicants will be announced in June. More detail: https://mystate.com.au/about-us/community/mystate-foundation