
Change in branch opening hours

From 1 September 2022, the opening hours of our Tasmanian branches will change to 9am to 4pm Monday to Thursday, remaining open from 9am to 5pm Fridays.

Insights Turns 2!

Our super-smart, real-time, data analytics and Insights tool is turning 2! See how it can help you...

Sign up to PayID and stop scammers

MyState Bank is supporting the Australian Banking Association’s (ABA) new campaign to combat scammers.
Interest Rate Changes

Notice to Customers – Savings account interest rates effective 18 July 2022

MyState Bank have changed the following interest rates on the following Savings Account effective 18 July 2022.
Interest Rate Change

A second boost to MyState Bank’s flagship Bonus Saver

A second boost to MyState Bank's flagship Bonus Saver.

MyState Bank increases term deposit rate

MyState Bank customers can earn 3.35% interest on a term deposit over 24 or 36 months, making them one of the top term deposit rates for savers in Australia.