Notice to Customers – Change to Terms & Conditions Deposit Accounts, Terms & Conditions Visa Debit Card and Fees & Charges for Deposit Accounts effective 16 January 2025

Effective 16 January 2025, MyState Bank is updating the:
Terms and Conditions Deposit accounts amendments
The amendments have also been made to the following documents to their relevant sections:
- Terms & Conditions for No Longer Offered Deposit Accounts & Electronic Banking
- Terms & Conditions for No Longer Offered Deposit Accounts & Electronic Banking Formerly offered by The Rock
- Evans & Partners High Yield Cash Account (available through Evans & Partners Pty Ltd)
Cheque Facility and Phone Banking
References to Cheque Facility and Phone Banking have been removed following their cessation. Renumbering of some sections may have occurred.
Section 2. Specific Terms and Conditions – Personal Savings and Transaction Accounts; and
Section 3. Specific Terms and Conditions – Business Savings and Transaction Accounts.
PayTo eligibility has been added into the respective product tables.
Section 4. Specific Terms and Conditions – Term Deposit Product table.
Interest may be compounded
Interest will compound on maturity unless you tell us otherwise
Added to the table:
Principal may be credited to a MyState Bank savings or transaction account or paid to another institution on redemption and indicated the products this refers to.
Clause 4.3
The interest paid will be calculated at the lowest MyState Bank at call savings or transaction account interest rate prevailing at the time of redemption. In the event of early withdrawal due to death of the customer, interest is paid at the full interest rate. Early withdrawal termination values may be obtained by contacting us. With Income Term Deposit Accounts, in the event of insufficient interest being accrued at the time of redemption interest penalty, the deposit sum invested may be reduced by this figure at redemption.
No interest will be paid on the proportion of funds that are withdrawn prior to maturity. For Income Term Deposit Accounts, this may result in any interest already paid to you being deducted from the balance of your term deposit on redemption.
If a partial withdrawal is made prior to maturity the remaining funds will continue with the same terms and conditions until maturity. A minimum balance of $5,000 must be maintained after early withdrawal otherwise the term deposit will be redeemed in full.
In the event of early withdrawal due to death of the customer, interest is paid at the full interest rate.
Early withdrawal termination values may be obtained by contacting us.
Section 1. Changes to fees and charges, interest rates and terms and conditions
We will tell you by either:
- writing to you; or advertising in a national or local newspaper; or giving you notice in another manner allowed by law
We will tell you about these changes by one or more of the following methods:
- by advertising in the national or local media;
- by giving you written notice (this includes printed or electronic communications such as app notifications, emails, publishing the notice on our website or another platform and directing you to the notice);
- by a prominent notice on our website;
- by notifying you in any other way that is permitted by law.
Section 2. Correspondence and statements
We will provide account statements, correspondence and documents regarding your account to you. We can send statements, correspondence and documents:
- to an address you have advised us of;
- to an address that we believe is your current postal or residential address;
- to your nominated email address, electronic device; or
- by making information available to you on our website
We will provide account statements, correspondence and documents regarding your account to you by one or more of the following methods:
- to an address you have advised us of; or
- to an address that we believe is your current postal or residential address; or
- to your nominated email address, electronic device, by telephone or video conference; or
- by making information available to you on our website or other electronic forum including Online Banking; or
- as otherwise as agreed with you.
Section 5. Using your account
Single or either to sign
If you have a joint account, we will tell you how you can use that account.
How you can stop withdrawals
If you have a joint account, from which either you or another account holder can make withdrawals, you can ask us to change the account authority so that all account holders have to approve any future withdrawals. This may be relevant to you if you are vulnerable.
The above paragraph does not apply to directors of a company who are signatories on behalf of the company, rather than joint account holders in their personal capacity.
Section 9. Inactive account
A deposit account is considered inactive after 12 months without a transaction. To reactivate an account you simply need to transact on the account. If a deposit account has a positive balance and remains inactive after 7 years, we’ll transfer the balance to the Commonwealth Government’s unclaimed moneys fund. This excludes Term Deposits and account holders aged under 18 years old. You will then need to apply to have this money returned to you by applying to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). Visit for more information. However, if your deposit account has a negative or zero balance we reserve the right to close your account.
If there are no deposits or withdrawals from your Account for 12 months or more your Account will be considered Inactive and we may close your account.
When closing your Account we may do the following if your account balance is;
- Overdrawn, we may close your Account without prior notice to you, but will let you know when the account has been closed;
- Nil, we may close your Account without prior notice to you, but will let you know when the account has been closed;
- In credit, we will retain the funds and pay them to you on request (without interest).
If there are no deposits or withdrawals from your Account in the last 7 years and you have not contacted us to claim your money then;
- We will pay the applicable funds to the relevant government agency as unclaimed money. We can assist you in making a claim from that government agency
This section excludes term deposits. We may charge a fee for maintaining an inactive account.
Section 10. Closing your account
If your account has a credit balance, we will return the money to you. Fees for closing an account may apply.
Section 39. Banking Code of Practice
The Banking Code of Practice (BCOP) is an industry code which sets standards of good banking conduct for banks, their staff and their representatives. The relevant provisions of the BCOP apply to the products and services covered by these Terms & Conditions from 1 July 2019.
The Australian Banking Association’s Banking Code of Practice (Banking Code) adopted by us, sets out the standards of practice and service in the Australian banking industry for individuals and small business customers, and their guarantors who are individuals. The relevant provisions of the Banking Code apply to the products and services covered by these Terms and Conditions. This means that we will comply with the Banking Code, where it applies to the banking services provided to you.
If the Code imposes an obligation on us that is in addition to obligations applying under a relevant law, then we will comply with the Code unless doing so would lead us to breach the law, or a relevant regulatory obligation or guidance.
We will do all things necessary to ensure that banking services provided by us under the Code are provided efficiently, honestly and fairly. This is the same standard of behaviour that applies to us where applicable under section 912A(1)(a) of the Corporations Act and section 47(1)(a) of the NCCP Act.
When you carry out an electronic transaction (for example, a transaction using online banking), we will comply with ASIC’s ePayments Code.
You can view a copy of the Banking Code on our website or ask for a printed copy to be provided to you over the phone or in a branch.
Section 2. Phone Banking
Removed the section and renumbered remaining sections.
The current Terms & Conditions Deposit Accounts & Electronic Banking can be found at From 16 January 2024 they will be updated to reflect the above changes.
Terms & Conditions Visa Debit card amendments
Section 1. Changes to the terms and conditions
How we will tell you about other changes
We will tell you about these changes by one or more of the following methods:
- by advertising in the national or local media;
- by giving you written notice (this includes printed or electronic communications such as app notifications, emails, publishing the notice on our website or another platform and directing you to the notice);
- by a prominent notice on our web site;
- by notifying you in any other way that is permitted by law.
Section 5. Using the card
Within Australia
Some transactions made in Australia may be processed by the merchant overseas (such as online purchases). These transactions are subject to a Foreign Currency Conversion fee, these are detailed in our Fees and Charges for Deposit Accounts brochure.
Outside of Australia
You can use your card at some overseas terminals and merchants, any transactions made will be converted to Australian dollars by Visa International that generally reflect either wholesale market rates or government mandated rates.
Transactions overseas are also subject to a Cash Advance and Foreign Currency Conversion fee, these are detailed in our Fees & Charges brochure
You can use your card at some overseas terminals and merchants (in person or via other means such as an online purchase), any transactions made will be converted to Australian dollars by Visa International that generally reflect either wholesale market rates or government mandated rates.
Transactions made or processed by merchants overseas are also subject to a Cash Advance and Foreign Currency Conversion fee, these are detailed in our Fees & Charges brochure.
Section 14. Banking Code of Practice
The Banking Code of Practice (BCOP) is an industry code which sets standards of good banking conduct for banks, their staff and their representatives. The relevant provisions of the BCOP apply to the products and services covered by these Terms & Conditions from 1 July 2019.
The Australian Banking Association’s Banking Code of Practice (Banking Code) adopted by us, sets out the standards of practice and service in the Australian banking industry for individuals and small business customers, and their guarantors who are individuals. The relevant provisions of the Banking Code apply to the products and services covered by these Terms and Conditions. This means that we will comply with the Banking Code, where it applies to the banking services provided to you.
If the Code imposes an obligation on us that is in addition to obligations applying under a relevant law, then we will comply with the Code unless doing so would lead us to breach the law, or a relevant regulatory obligation or guidance.
We will do all things necessary to ensure that banking services provided by us under the Code are provided efficiently, honestly and fairly. This is the same standard of behaviour that applies to us where applicable under section 912A(1)(a) of the Corporations Act and section 47(1)(a) of the NCCP Act.
When you carry out an electronic transaction (for example, a transaction using online banking), we will comply with ASIC’s ePayments Code.
You can view a copy of the Banking Code on our website or ask for a printed copy to be provided to you over the phone or in a branch.
Section 20. Chargebacks
To avoid losing any rights you may have for transactions other than unauthorised EFT Transactions you should:
- tell us as soon as you become aware; and
- provide us with any information we ask for to support your request
You can ask us to dispute a transaction on your Visa debit card account other than unauthorised EFT Transactions if you:
- tell us as soon as you become aware; and
- provide us with any information we ask for to support your request
then we;
(a) will claim the relevant amount back if we find it to have been incorrectly charged and you have not contributed to the loss; or
(b) may accept the Merchant's refusal to make that chargeback only if the refusal is made in a way allowed under the relevant Card Scheme rules.
You have the rights under the above paragraph even if the payment was debited from your debit card account and was part of a recurring payment arrangement you have with that Merchant.
You may have rights to dispute an Unauthorised Transaction under the ePayments Code (see
The current Terms & Conditions Visa Debit card can be found at From 16 January 2025 they will be updated to reflect the above changes.
Fees and Charges for Deposit accounts amendments
The amendments have also been made to the following documents to their relevant sections;
- Fees & Charges No Longer Offered Deposit Accounts
- Fees & Charges No Longer Offered Deposit Accounts & Electronic Banking (formerly offered by TheRock)
Section A Fees and Charges for Personal Deposit Accounts
Electronic transactions (completed by you)
PayTo has been added to eligible products. PayTo transactions are free.
Other fees
Cheque Written Fee has been removed following the cessation of cheque facilities.
Section B Fees and Charges for Business Deposit Accounts
Cheque Written Fee has been removed following the cessation of cheque facilities.
Section C Other Fees and Charges
Visa Debit card fees
Foreign Currency Conversion
Fee | Current | From 16 January 2025 |
Foreign Currency Conversion (per transaction, of transaction amount) | 3.00% | 3.25% |
We have replaced the following:
Visa International will convert all transactions made overseas on the Visa Debit card into Australian dollars at the foreign exchange rate that applies on the day the transaction is processed by Visa International.
A conversion fee of 3% of the value of the transaction is payable (of which 2% is payable to Cuscal Limited, the principal member of Visa International under which we provide Visa Debit cards).
Visa International will convert all transactions made in foreign currency or processed overseas on the Visa Debit card into Australian dollars at the foreign exchange rate that applies on the day the transaction is processed by Visa International.
A Foreign Currency Conversion fee is payable for all of the following transactions made using your Visa Debit card;
- All transactions made overseas
- All transactions in a currency other than Australian dollars
- All transactions made in Australia where the merchant is located overseas
- All transactions made in Australia where the financial institution or entity processing the transaction is located overseas
We have added the following:
Refunds in currencies other than Australian dollars are converted to Australian dollars as at the date they are processed by Visa using exchange rates determined by them. This may lead to the refund being converted using an exchange rate different from the one used to convert the original purchase. The foreign currency conversion fee is not refundable as the fee is applied for facilitating the initial transaction.
Cheque Book Fee
Has been removed following the cessation of cheque facilities.
The current Fees & Charges Deposit Accounts can be found at From 16 January 2025 they will be updated to reflect the above changes.
MyState Bank Limited (MyState Bank) ABN 89 067 729 195 AFSL 240896. A wholly owned subsidiary of MyState Limited ABN 26 133 623 962.