So you’re going on a holiday? How exciting! You might already be thinking about all the sights to see (and the places to eat!), but when it comes to travelling overseas, there’s often so much more to prepare for than just packing your bags.

International travel might look a little different than it used to, but we’re still here to help. Here are our top tips to keep you and your accounts safe while you’re on holidays.

Update your details

Including all your contact information, and have important documents and phone numbers at the ready

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Prepare for expenses

Like any bills that need to be paid while you’re away, plus a budget for unexpected costs just in case

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Stay alert

Keep an eye out for scams and fraud, especially when using public Wi-Fi or ATMs

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Know the rules

Check the latest government and airline travel restrictions, including any health requirements like vaccinations

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Read on for the ultimate travel checklist

Are you up to date?

This might seem obvious, but making sure all your contact details are up to date (with us, and any other financial institutions, insurers or airlines) is a great first step to keep you and your accounts safe while you travel. If we’re worried about any unusual activity in your accounts, we need to be able to reach you. You should also:

  • Let us know when you’re travelling
    Apart from being excited to hear about your trip, letting us know your travel plans also helps us anticipate any changes in your spending while you’re away. You can let us know by calling us on 138 001
  • Create a list of important details
    Like the phone numbers for your bank, airline, any pre-arranged transport and insurers. You’ll be able to reach us via email or secure message anytime, but if you do need to call us from overseas, call +61 3 6233 0679
  • Check your passport and visa
    Make sure your passport is still valid, and that you have the right visa for all the countries you’re visiting (even the ones you’re transiting through). You might also like to make copies of your important documents to have on hand just in case.
  • Check your daily limits meet your travel needs
    You can change your payment limits in the app or internet banking or by calling us on 138 001. Keep in mind, that if you increase your limit you may increase your liability in the case of unauthorised transactions.
  • Make sure your phone and SIM card work overseas
    Especially if you plan to make payments with SMS security while travelling.

Prepare for expenses

Yes, even unexpected ones! Have you considered the following?

  • Travel insurance
  • Automatic payments for any bills due while you’re away (like rent, phone or car)
  • Alternative payment methods to cash if you’re keen to avoid foreign ATM fees
  • Alternative payment methods for any bills or transfers that require SMS verification
  • Money to set aside in case things go wrong, like unexpected hotel stays if there are flight delays or changes in health guidelines that require you to lockdown or quarantine

Stay alert to scams

We don’t want to make you feel like you’re looking over your shoulder your whole trip, but scammers can often target tourists and international travellers so it pays to be vigilant.

Here’s what you should keep an eye out for:

  • Public Wi-Fi
    Don't access personal bank accounts, sensitive personal data, or shop online on unsecured public networks. You’ll know the difference between a secured and unsecured network if a password or account is required before you can connect. Even then, secured networks can be risky. Use your best judgment if you absolutely must access your bank or other personal accounts on public Wi-Fi.
  • ATMs
    Be cautious of your surroundings when using ATMs overseas, and if something doesn’t feel right, or the ATM is obstructed or poorly lit, choose another location. Always shield the screen to safeguard your PIN and withdrawal amount, and put your card and cash away immediately. Make sure you keep your receipts so you can check them against your statement too.
  • Protect your devices
    Make sure all your devices are password protected, preferably with two-factor authentication if you can. Keep an eye on your laptop, tablet and phone at all times if you’re using them in public places, and switch off your bluetooth when you’re out and about. Having it on in public spaces can leave you open to cybersecurity risks and hackers. It’s also a great idea to enable location tracking just in case anything gets lost or stolen.
  • Keep an eye out for scams, even before you leave
    We often focus on scams to be wary of while we’re travelling, but there are also lots of things to be mindful of before you’ve even left for your trip. Travel prizes, deals too good to be true and even some insurance deals can turn out to be scams, so just keep an eye out and only book through sources you know and trust. You can learn more about current travel scams at

Know the rules

Here’s our advice for keeping up with all the rules and requirements before, during and after your trip:

  • Check the latest government and airline travel restrictions
    Here are a few places to start
  • Download any required Apps, Passes or Proof of Vaccination Certifications for your destination
  • Be prepared for flight cancellations, rescheduling, or even lockdown, and make sure you’ve got a budget to cover these expenses just in case
  • Check whether your travel insurance covers COVID-19 related illness

Have fun!

We know this checklist may seem overwhelming at first, but if you take the time to prepare as much as you can before you leave, you can focus on having the best time possible when you get there!

More tips for keeping your money safe