Our grant program
The MyState Foundation grants program supports not-for-profit organisations that work towards empowering the youth of Tasmania. Each year, we grant between $1,000 and $10,000 to eligible organisations; and to date, we have awarded over $2.9 million in grants to more than 140 not-for-profit organisations, for 380 initiatives.
These are a rich, diverse group of organisations and charities that are engaged in education or development projects for young people. They may provide opportunity for further education; increase financial literacy or assist young people living with a disability to access special education, care and support. Previous grant recipients include Home Base, Geeveston Community Centre, Beacon Foundation, Hobart PCYC, Camp Clayton, Oak Enterprises, Uniting Care Tasmania and Bridgewater PCYC.

Who can apply?
To be eligible for a MyState Foundation grant, your organisation must:
- Have Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status (approved by the ATO.)
- Be an incorporated not-for-profit organisation.*
- Hold an Australian Business Number (ABN).
- Have a gross annual income of no more than $2 million.
Please note that MyState Foundation grants are only available for eligible organisations with Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status.
You will be asked to provide evidence of your organisation’s status as a DGR under Subdivision 30-BA of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
If your organisation does not have DGR status, your application will not be accepted. If you’re unsure of your organisation’s status, check the ATO website or consult your accountant before proceeding with your application.
Important dates for the 2025 grant round

Applications open:
4th March 2025

Applications close:
2nd May 2025

Applications processed:
June 2025

Grant presentations:
June – July 2025
Assessment criteria - Grants
Grant applications will be assessed by the MyState Foundation Board. When reviewing applications, the Board consider a number of key criteria, including:
- The outcome of the program/initiative aligns with the purpose, vision and mission of the Foundation focusing on disadvantaged youth.
- The program/initiative addresses a defined need in the Tasmanian community and creates impact.
- The grant could make a real difference.
- The funds are necessary for the grant to proceed.
- The applicant’s ability to successfully carry out the initiative.
Preference will be given to organisations that:
- Benefit as many young people as possible in the Tasmanian community.
- Demonstrate that funds will be retained in Tasmania.
- Demonstrate a measurable long-term benefit and achievable goals.
- Meet an identifiable need in the community.
- Support programs which increase the capabilities of Tasmania youth.
- Encourage a learning culture and increase opportunities for young people to further their education.
- Build self-reliance, confidence and responsibility in young Tasmanians.
- Improve health and wellbeing outcomes of young Tasmanians.
- Support disadvantaged and at-risk youth in Tasmania.
- Offer unique opportunities for young Tasmanians that aren’t currently provided elsewhere.
The Foundation does not award grants for:
- Organisations with a gross annual income of more than $2 million.
- Individuals, foundations or organisations that are themselves grant-making bodies.
- Fundraising events and campaigns.
- Normal administrative costs, however wages may be considered as a portion of funding depending on the broader program.
- Debt retirement or budget deficits.
- Conference organisers or attendees.
- Excursion based activities not part of a broader project focusing on MyState Foundation objectives.
- Applications for funding that involve additional funds in future grant cycles.
- Equipment purchased not associated with an ongoing project.
- For an activity which began in the previous financial year.
Grants are given exclusive of GST costs. If an organisation incurs GST for the purchase of equipment or provision of services, GST costs will not be included or added to the amount given in the MyState Foundation’s grant.
Terms and conditions for successful recipients
Organisations successful in receiving a grant will be required to sign terms and conditions set out by the Foundation and provide a grant update by 31 December 2025 and satisfactory project acquittal statement no later than 30 June 2026.
Recipients are requested to acknowledge the support of the MyState Foundation in publicity and printed materials. The Foundation logo can be used provided conditions of use set out by the Foundation are followed.
Successful organisations are asked to be available for media purposes as required by the Foundation.
Successful organisations are asked to outline employee volunteering opportunities for MyState staff to increase exposure to the programs.
Successful organisations will be listed on the MyState Bank website and in MyState and Foundation publications. From time to time projects funded by a MyState Foundation grant may be featured on the MyState Foundation website and in its publications.
Please note: Decisions made by the MyState Foundation Board are final and cannot be disputed.
Purpose, mission & vision
We believe it’s the little ideas, local organisations and small acts that can help make a big difference in people’s lives and help build a richer Tasmanian community.

To help young Tasmanians reach their full potential

Provide young Tasmanians with greater opportunities

To make a genuine difference to young Tasmanians