Setting up a Power of Attorney

A power of attorney is a legal document that gives somebody the power to act on another person’s behalf or in their best interests. It authorises a person or group of people (the attorney) to make decisions relating to the legal and financial affairs of another person (the principal), and can be a family member, relative, friend or professional, as long as they are over 18.

Who needs a power of attorney?

You might wish to consider appointing a power of attorney to look after things like your money and property. These include:

  • Experiencing a decline in your mental health that affects your ability to manage your affairs
  • Being injured, immobile or experiencing physical ailments that make it difficult to get around
  • Being in hospital, travelling or deployed in a foreign country
  • Living remotely and finding it difficult to access services
  • Having difficulty managing your money yourself (there is no shame in this, and there is always help available if you need it)

Are there different types?

Yes. Here are the three different ways someone can make decisions on your behalf:

You can find out more and access helpful resources developed by the ABA by viewing the ABA Power of Attorney Fact Sheet and AGAC You Decide Who Decides.